The online platform for entry-level jobs

The platform that connects employers and job seekers
I am a job seeker I am an employer


Motivated by our vision to Employ the World, we believe through exceptional service and innovation we can create greater accessibility for both job seekers and employers. Our technology provides the opportunity to experience modern recruitment methods on one comprehensive, cost-effective and convenient platform.
For job seekers
Are you looking for an entry-level job?
Register and complete your profile on JOBJACK to apply for entry-level jobs in your surrounding areas! On the JOBJACK Platform you will also have access to free job resources to help you on your application journey and make sure you are interview ready.
For employers
Are you looking for entry-level staff?
JOBJACK specialises in entry-level recruitment. ‘Entry-level’ is classified as any job not needing a qualification higher than Matric or over two years of work experience. JOBJACK’s platform can streamline your recruitment from job posting to interview.
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How the JOBJACK Platform connects you with the right people

Greater accessibility

Employers post their available jobs on the JOBJACK platform with over 3 000 000 registered users. Job seekers have access and easy application to job opportunities in their area.

World class screening assessments

JOBJACK’s validated and affordable assessment battery provides invaluable insight into a candidate’s relevance according to the employer’s needs.

A cost-effective solution

Job seekers register, create a profile and apply for jobs on the platform for free! JOBJACK is also data free on the MTN and Vodacom network.

JOBJACK's technology

Employers have access to powerful candidate management, screening and interview scheduling options. Job seekers are guided through their profile creation and are able to apply for jobs directly from the platform.